How clients cancel drop-ins from their account
If allowed, clients may cancel their drop-in registration directly in the store. Upon cancellation, a confirmation email is sent to the account owner and a record is kept in their personal account under the Communication tab. When the account owner cancels a drop-in, their name appears on the cancellation confirmation.
To cancel a drop-in from the personal account, click the occurrence from the Calendar in the Home tab. Alternatively, click the Purchases tab, select the organization and scroll to the Drop-ins section of the participant.
Click on the name of the drop-in. This redirects to drop-in store page.
In the calendar, select the same drop-in (as if you were registering).
In the window, click 'Unregister' next to the registered participant's name.
When the participant is 'Successfully unregistered', you may register someone else, continue shopping, or close the session.
If a drop-in is ineligible for cancellation, the 'Unregister' button won't show.
How clients can cancel drop-ins from the Amilia app
Clients can also use the Amilia mobile app to cancel eligible drop-ins. Here are the steps:
Click on the drop-in you would like to cancel in your Schedule.
Click on Cancel this event.
The participant will be notified of whether they will be credited for the cost of the drop-in in accordance with the Cancellation Policy you set. Click Terminate enrollment to confirm the cancellation. The participant will see a Success message to confirm the drop-in has been cancelled.